February 24, 2025



A dream is an inspiration that sparks the leadership journey, fueled by passion and ambition.

Dreams are big, bold, challenging, and pushing boundaries.

A dream reflects the leader’s values, beliefs, and desires and motivates others to share the dream.

AKK has a dream and he has motivated others to buy into this dream. He is not a lone ranger who just lords it over others. He makes them understand and share his dream. That’s one UNIQUE and uncommon quality.


A good helmsman must have a clear direction that defines the desired future state.

His vision must be specific, concise and well-defined, providing focus.

A clear vision must be measurable with quantifiable outcomes to facilitate progress tracking.

A dream backed by vision is achievable with realistic goals aligned with resources and capabilities. It must aligns with the society’s purpose and values.

Most especially it must be time-bound by establishing a timeline for achievement.

AKK is a man imbued with great vision to back his dreams for a better Oyo State. He is methodical and has a clear direction for the actualisation of the dreams.

AKK has a Mission.

The AKK mission, the purpose and reason for the Mission and vision.

The mission consists of core values that reflect underlying principles and beliefs.

The AKK house initiative is a unique mission directed at actualising SOME (Only some and not all) of his dreams and visions..

His mission is not only Unique but also inspirational, motivating stakeholders.

AKK is known for peculiar guiding principles that direct decision-making process. His antecedents speak volumes of his abilities to develop his dreams with others to make a vision for a unique and measurable mission.

In running a state like Oyo, one of the most complex and socio-culturally diverse states in Africa, south of the Sahara, a leader must have a fair combination of Dream, Vision and Mission.

That makes Dr Adewale Kolapo Kareem (AKK) unique.

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